Perri Palermo Motamedi


Perri Palermo Motamedi, MA, CCC-SLP

Perri Palermo Motamedi is a dedicated professional and advocate, currently serving as a board member and Treasurer of the KNOWAutism Foundation since 2015. Graduating with a Masters in Communications Disorders from Wayne State University, Perri’s journey in the field of speech and language pathology has been shaped by personal experience as a mother of a child on the autism spectrum.

As a licensed speech and language pathologist, Perri founded Speech For Life Therapy Center in 2006, a clinic specializing in speech therapy. In 2014, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy was fully integrated into the speech program which was the first of its kind in Texas. Perri’s commitment to helping children with neuro-developmental disorders reach their full potential led to the establishment of Therapy for Life in 2020. This multidiscliplinary facility offers a comprehensive range of therapies, including classroom based ABA therapy, feeding therapy, speech therapy, apraxia therapy, and occupational therapy, creating a nurturing environment for children to develop essential life skills under the direction of a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician, Medical Director.

Perri’s expertise spans pediatrics, therapy, health, team building, marketing strategy, applied behavior analysis, customer service, rehabilitation, budgeting, management, leadership, strategic planning, and public speaking. Her multifaceted skills contribute to the high-quality care provided at Therapy for Life, setting it apart in the field.

As Treasurer of the KNOWAutism Foundation since 2017, Perri brings not only professional acumen but also a personal understanding of the challenges faced by families dealing with autism. With her extensive background, Perri continues to play a pivotal role in advancing the foundation’s mission and making a positive impact in the autism community.